A downloadable game for Windows

BSquadRL is my roguelike for 7DRL 2025!

You take on the persona of Akaro, a space-faring fox-humanoid hybrid. He's been tasked with investigating an attack on a space station under his employer's protection. However, things are not all as they seem...

Good luck!

This year ended up being much easier to finish than last year. I was able to reuse some code from various projects, including my submission from last year.  I wanted the challenge of working with graphics after having spent a lot of time working with Winlu's assets in another project. Dealing with walls and wall borders was a bit of a chore, but I'm very glad to have gotten that ironed out because I love the aesthetic it gave the game.

There are a few things I wasn't able to get to, most obvious being sound and music. I had also planned on a few more levels, essentially a second half to what the game is right now. Melee weapons for the player would have been nice, along with skills like a dash to go multiple tiles or jump to get around those pesky crates. Plenty of fluff bits to make it feel more complete like animations and things specific to the area like beds for the living quarters or some test tubes in the research lab would also have been nice to have.

Special Thanks for Assets I used from the following creators:

  • Admurin - https://admurin.itch.io/
    • For the robots and golems
  • Robert Pinero (Low) - https://robertpinero.itch.io/
    • For the 8D Character Creator, without I wouldn't have been able to make most of the enemies or the player
  • Wenrexa - https://wenrexa.itch.io/
    • The icons from the massive library are a lifesaver and were used for all lootable items
  • Winlu - https://winlu.itch.io/
    • Space was my place, and the Spaceship tileset is beautiful. I'd love to have a project to use some of his other tilesets in the future

Note: There were some game-breaking bugs that required fixing post release via version 1.0.1:

  • Fixed map generation for The Bridge level
  • Fixed chain hit and explosions causing the game to crash
  • Fixed missing texture load causing game to crash

The original version is still available if necessary for judging


BSquadRL.zip 32 MB
BSquadRL-1.0.1.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the provided file and run BSquadRL.exe. It's not digitally signed, so you'll get a warning when you open it.

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